Student Awards

Awards are available for student recipients in recognition of their leadership, academic achievements, and community service. To learn more about available awards, please review the awards information below.

    Christy Trinh-Malarney Student Award

  • Christy Trinh-Malarney


    The Christy Anh-Thu Trinh-Malarney Student Award seeks to reward the achievements of a UC Santa Cruz graduating senior, who in their undergraduate years, have combined academic excellence with a commitment to increasing the understanding or improving the welfare of people of Vietnamese heritage in the United States, Vietnam, and abroad.

    The prize particularly seeks to recognize those whose UC Santa Cruz education will provide a foundation for a career that will continue to further serve the goal of improving the lives of people of Vietnamese heritage or enhancing the public awareness of their society, culture and history in all communities worldwide where people of Vietnamese heritage live.


    • This is a one-time award that will be awarded only to graduating seniors, enrolled at UCSC, who have an establishment academic and extracurricular record.
    • There is no requirement for recipients to be, either fully or in part, of Vietnamese heritage. 
    • Participants in the UCSC Vietnamese Student Association, whose membership is open to all students regardless of ethnicity, may be given special consideration for their active or leadership role.
    • There will be no need-based considerations in evaluating student applications. 
    Awards will be presented at the Asian American/Pacific Islander Year-End Ceremony in June.

    Application Guidelines
    The major criteria for evaluation of applications include: 
    a. Academic excellence. 
    b. Demonstrated commitment to increasing the understanding or improving the welfare of people of Vietnamese heritage in the United States, Vietnam, and abroad.
    c. Plans to continue their commitment to educational achievement and to Vietnam and the Vietnamese in their an established academic and extracurricular record.  

    To be considered, each applicant must submit 1 copy of a complete application, which includes: 
    a. Application cover page 
    b. Transcripts and evaluations of all college work, up to date. These may be unofficial copies. 
    c. Curriculum vitae (academic resume) 
    d. Detailed essay (400-500 words), describing your experience increasing the understanding or improving the welfare of people in Vietnamese heritage, and how your experience will affect your future goals.
    e. A letter of recommendation from an appropriate UC Santa Cruz faculty. 

Any questions or requests can be submitted by contacting AA/PIRC Director Caz Salamanca ( Please include the name of the award in the subject line of your email to him. Please be aware of each award's respective qualifications and application deadlines.